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Reno Suites / DEBAUCH-a-ReNO PART DEUX v2
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

DEBAUCH-a-ReNO PART DEUX is comin’ right up!
join the facebook event


…are FULL!

Your best option is to stay in Reno, some special rates are available at Reno Suites. You’ll find info on that below!

A few tickets remain! Don’t sleep!

Rooms for cheap at Reno Suites!

email Kyla to reserve.
Just mention DEBAUCH-a-ReNO to get our special rate.
Details are below

The rates are as follows:

July 13th: $65+tax ($75.78)

July 14th: $109+tax ($125.72)

July 15th: $129+tax ($148.42)

July 16th: $65+tax ($75.78)

+ refundable incidental deposit of $25/night

Kyla Alisna

Sales and Events Coordinator, Reno Suites

175 East Second Street, Reno, NV 89501

tel: (775) 785-1111


There won't be a bus transporting people from Reno to Virginia City and back. We called everyone, including the company we worked with back in 2018, and guess what? Prices have doubled (just like for everything else in the last five years).

And so: Uber / Lyft ends up being cheaper AND more flexible. Especially for the ride back to Reno, because who knows? Maybe you'll want to have one more round at the Ponderosa Saloon. We checked the price in our Uber app, and even Advance Booking (which always costs more) is showing under $60 for 4 people (see screenshot). That's less than $20 each, which is much less than the bus.

We've also noticed from the results of our little poll that many ticket holders are driving up in their own cars. And we know most of you are real nice people who like to meet fellow freaks, so we created this rideshare board:  Use it to post rides available, and rides needed — for both private cars, and Uber/Lyft.

We also created this handy little Whatsapp group for the Virginia City party:, which will also come in very handy for ride sharing. If you're calling an Uber and have open seats, check the board and the group! You could help out a fellow freak and save some bucks.

Besides all this, we do have a 12-passenger van and driver. We might grab 11 of you for the ride from Reno to VC. We'll be checking that ridesharing board!